Sandra Williams                                                                                                                                                                 190 Lavender Rd.                                                                                                                                 Smith Grove, KY. 42171                                                                                                    (270) 790-9054                                                                                                             Skwmaw14@gmail.com 

Brenda Bryant- From Our Roots to Our Branches Extending Sevice To Our Veterans                           Bobby Waddle- Climbing High For Our Veterans

I would like to welcome everyone to the 2024-2025 VFW and Auxiliary calendar year. I am so proud to be your Historian yet again. 
Today we make history in KY.  Our FIRST MALE KY Auxiliary President . 
We have a lot of EXCITING things happening this year.  Not only do we have  
The School of Instruction – August 10th Frankfort & August Providence 17th 
Trip to the National Home Tour – Sept 6-7, 2024
Fall Conference – October 4-6, 2024 Bowling Green, KY.
Spring Confernece – March 14-15, 2025 Erlanger KY.
Dept. Convention- June 11-15, 2025 Lexington KY.
We will have a whole lot more to come.  So get your cameras, ready to shoot some fun this year ss Kentucky makes history.
Please add all your pictures to:  
Bobby’s year as Department President-2024-2025 facebook page
Please put your name and date on each post. So you can get credit for the photo. 

1.Citation to every District President who is 100% reported

2.A Citation and a Plaque to an Auxiliary in each caregory who reports the most Media outreach

3.Citation and Personal gift to an individual member of an Auxiliary in each category that sends the funniest picture of Bobby Waddle.

4.Citation and Personal gift to an individual member of an Auxiliary in each category that sends the most pictures of Bobby Waddle.

5.Citation to the Auxiliary in each category that sends the most Oustanding Historian & Media Relations report
Awards for Auxiliaries 
1.Most outstanding promotion of VFW Auxiliary Programs to the community through social media sources. 
Citation and $25 to one VFW Auxiliary in each of the 10 Program Divisions with the most outstanding promotion of the VFW Auxiliary Programs to the community through social media sources

Entry form required and available in MALTA Member Resources.  VFW Auxiliaries must send the require entry form to their Department Historian & Media Relations Chairman by March 31, 2024 for judging.  
The Department Historian & Media Relations Chairman must sign and send a copy of the completed Department winning entry form to the National Historian & Media Relations Ambassador by April 30, 2024 for judging.

Citations will be mailed directly to the winning VFW Auxiliaries from national Headquarters and money will be deposited into the winning VFW Auxiliary account after the 2024 VFW Auxiliary National Convention.

VFW Auxiliary Emblem Branding Center

Sample Photo Release Forms

Speaker’s Bureau Tool Kit

Publicity Tools & Press Releases

Websites & Social Media

Sample Speeches