Kellie Lightner

3416 Misty Creek Dr

Erlanger KY 41018



Brenda Bryant – From Our Roots To Our Branches, Extending Service To Our Veterans

Bobby Waddle – Climbing High For Our Veterans


I am so excited to dive into this program. Nothing in the world is more satisfying than helping others, except when we can help others that have given so selflessly of themselves.  Veterans & Family Support is an opportunity to help veterans and their families.


There are so many ways we can help veterans as virtually everything we do falls into the category of Veterans and Family Support.  However, this year we are going to spotlight 3 areas of service for veterans.


·         Veterans and Military Support Programs - these are programs that actively help our veterans and current military with things such as financial assistance to help with their mortgage or rent payments, vehicle expenses, utilities, food or clothing.   It could also be in the form of adopting a soldier by sending care packages.

·         The National Veterans Service Suicide Prevention - Suicide Prevention has been a big focus of the VFW for many years now and for good reason, but do you know how to help our veterans who need mental support?   We are going to learn just where to go to help our veterans.

·         Childcare for active-duty service members – Children are expensive and a soldier’s pay often leaves families shorthanded.  Weather it is something as simple as babysitting, helping with diapers or maybe formula.


In addition to the areas of spotlight above, our national President’s Special Project just happens to fall under our category as well, Operation Bottom Cover!    We can do this in Malta with a special donation.  Host a diaper give away.  Coordinate with military bases to make donations of diapers and wipes directly.


This year as we navigate how to help our veterans let’s be vigilant to keep a record of who we help and how we help them both personally and through others.  Also, keep track of how much monetary donation or the value of such donations that are given to veterans and their families.






1)      Plaque for best overall Veterans & Family Support Program in each category.


2)      Certificate and special gift for ALL Auxiliaries promoting host or co-host with your VFW Post activities for any auxiliary that does something for all 5 programs: Disaster Relief, Military Assistance, National Veterans Service, Unmet Needs, Veterans & Military Suicide Prevention and Mental Health Awareness


3)      Certificate for an Auxiliary in each category with the most Veterans, service members, and/or their families assisted this year.


4)      Certificate for an Auxiliary in each category with the most monetary donations and/or value or donation and goods & services provided to Veterans, service members and/or their families


5)      Special gift and certificate to an Auxiliary in each category with the best overall promotion for the National Presidents Special Project, Operation Bottom Cover.



Awards for Auxiliaries

1.      Most outstanding activity and/or event to increase awareness of suicide and mental health for veterans, military and their families.

• Citation and $25 to one VFW Auxiliary in each of the 10 Program Divisions that hosts the most outstanding activity and/or event to increase awareness of suicide and mental health for veterans, military and their families.

Entry form required and available in MALTA Member Resources. VFW Auxiliaries must send the required entry form to their Department Veterans & Family Support Chairman by March 31, 2025 for judging.

The Department Veterans & Family Support Chairman must sign and send a copy of the completed Department-winning entry form to the National Veterans & Family Support Ambassador by April 30, 2025 for judging.

Citations will be mailed directly to the winning VFW Auxiliaries from National Headquarters and money will be deposited into the winning VFW Auxiliary account after the 2025 VFW Auxiliary National Convention.